Final Project

The primary focal point of the composition is at the top left corner of the imaginary rectangle according to the rule of third. The simultaneous  contrast of complimentary colors and light against dark were used to emphasize the focal point. Visual flaw was created by repetition of the shapes and colors as well as light and texture. The illusion of space was created by using an atmospheric perspective – stairs create an illusion of distance  and darker background create an illusion of depth. The composition is slightly asymmetrical. Visual weight is balanced by adding similar shapes and colors to different parts of the composition. It has warm and cool colors in about the same amount. complimentary colors were used at some places to create desaturated colors and greys.

I have chosen word “curious” to describe myself. There are many pros and cons about being curious person. But it’s never boring. Curiosity makes you climb endless stairs, sometimes you end up covered in bruises, sometimes you discover amazing things and experience great emotions. The composition is well describing concept by using bright colors and interesting visual elements. Stairs symbolize ups and downs of the curiosity. Big and small steps represent the life path. Focal point is created to visualize life values and different interests. The eye and lips at the top of the composition represent the higher powers and invisible energies that effect our lives. The set invisible boundaries for curiosity (society, culture, religion etc)

I like the overall concept of the composition and how it visualize word “curious”, The mail idea of the composition and the visual flow. How picture plane was activated and how colors work together to create a curious  atmosphere.

I had struggled with keeping the color flat and even. Not adding brushstrokes was a big challenge. And i failed at some places.20160511_103228~2

Project #10 Utilizing Color Schemes

For monochromatic studies I have chosen blue and chrisom red, I utilized value scale by adding black and white to the colors to achieve darker and lighter shades. For analogous color scheme I used yellow yellow green and yellow orange and red, red orange and red purple. I used higher contrast to create a focal point. For complimentary composition I used purple and yellow and red and green. The simultanious contrast created focal point and letted the eye travel through the composition. Use of color and the composition are successful overall. Some more grey can be used in the composition.

Project #9 Color Wheel

The difference between hue and a color is that hue is a name of the color. It describes the visual sensation of the different part of the color spectrum. Tinting the hue means lighting the shade of the color and creating higher value. Shading is darkening the color. Complimentary colors are compliment each other by creating high contrast. When you mix complimentary colors together they create grey and less saturated colors in between. Simultaneous contrast is when complimentary colors are next to each other.20160511_102708

Value – Self Portrait Collage

20160405_190108~2 Full value range was used to create this self portrait. The portrait was broken into flat planes to avoid outlining facial features. The grid was used to locate correct placement of all shapes and values to maintain facial proportions. The composition is successful overall interesting shapes ans values. Some lightest light could be used more.

Organizing the Random

The primary focal point in this composition is at the top left corner of the imaginary rectangle, where rectangles are about to touch each other. It is created by using black tape. Visual flaw is well presented. Lines, squares and rectangles lead the eye through the composition. Rectangles and squares made out of black tape used to create converging lines to show the rhythm. Full value range used to create visual texture. Rhythm is presented in the composition by creating lines and squares. The success of this composition is in the unexpected use of black tape and 3D elements. The value range could be more broad. Some more mid tones could be used.20160323_142510~2(1)

Tactile and Visual Texture

20160309_102351~2The primary focal point of a composition is in the top-left side of an imaginary rectangle, where the ropes meet in a circle. A secondary focal point is at the bottom-left corner of that rectangle. There is a well established visual flow, ropes and threads leading the eye through the composition. Sheep fur, braided macrame cords, threads and plastic net are creating a visual texture in the composition. Full range of values is used to emphasize different parts of the composition. The textures used in the drawing are interesting and create an unusual combination.  Use of lines might be a weak part of the composition.

Black & White Shape Compositions

20160302_164342~2Figure and ground relationship are well presented in the Black and White composition. Shapes complete each other and create interesting positive and negative spaces. The composition consists of approximately fifty percent of white shapes and 50 percent of black shapes. The shapes mirror each other perfectly on both sides of the composition. The shapes used in the composition are very interesting and create an interesting piece of art. The downside of the composition is a lack of more interesting shapes in the negative space and not enough edges involved in the composition.

Project #4 Directional Dominance

20160224_140522~2The focal point is located to the bottom right in this composition. It is the largest object in a drawing. There is a well established visual flow throughout, with the entire plane being activated. Placement of elements and directional contrast help an eye move through the composition. Directional dominance is established by contrast in the line direction, weight and value range. The movement created is a successful aspect. Value range is a weak side. Some area shadowing might help.

Project #3 Variation of Line

20160217_140644~2The composition’s primary focal point is located to the left from the center. It is emphasized by intersection of all 3 lines. A visual flow is well established through a picture plane, lines direction is helping an eye move the composition. The lines differ in weight and character. The top line consists of circles and the heaviest line has the the most character. Two other lines are lighter and create a contrast in the composition. The whole picture plane is activated. Movement created in the composition is the most successful aspect. A less clearly emphasized focal point weakens it.

Project #2: Repetition, Photography & The Grid


The composition presented on this page incorporates entire picture plain and composed out of twelve images of kitchen utensils. The repetition of the same objects, colors and placement of the images is used to create visual flow and united composition.  The grid is used to connect all images together, to create a focal point, visual flow and to lead the eye through the composition. It is an interesting design with a good use of perspective and a color. It can be improved by using a little different pictures of the spoon, maybe playing with size, slightly different prospective and reflection.